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12 Fresh Red Roses Bouquet - A Classic Expression of Love

Celebrate love, friendship, or any special occasion with this bouquet of 12 handpicked, fresh red roses. Wrapped beautifully with natural twine, these roses are perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, or romantic gestures. Their deep red color and lush green leaves make a striking combination, sure to leave a lasting impression. Make someone’s day extra special by gifting this timeless arrangement.
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12 stems
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Celebrate love, friendship, or any special occasion with this bouquet of 12 handpicked, fresh red roses. Wrapped beautifully with natural twine, these roses are perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, or romantic gestures. Their deep red color and lush green leaves make a striking combination, sure to leave a lasting impression. Make someone’s day extra special by gifting this timeless arrangement.
  • The image displayed is Indicative in nature.
  • Actual product may vary slightly from the image shown.
  • All our products are perishable hence delivery will be attempted only once.
  • Delivery cannot be redirected to any other address.
  • Clarity of image on rose will depend on clarity of your actual image.
  • Occasionally substitution of flowers is necessary according to season and region.