Say ‘I Love You’ with our lovely Blushing Pink Lily Bouquet. This is a beautiful floral design where pink lilies are used and accompanied by baby’s breath and wrapped in burlap and soft pink fabric. This bouquet is ideal for birthday, wedding or any other special occasion and express respect, elegance and affection. This floral arrangement is perfect for your special someone, a friend, or family member as it will surely impress them.
Flower Colour
Flower Type
Oriental lily
Flower Count
4 stems
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Say ‘I Love You’ with our lovely Blushing Pink Lily Bouquet. This is a beautiful floral design where pink lilies are used and accompanied by baby’s breath and wrapped in burlap and soft pink fabric. This bouquet is ideal for birthday, wedding or any other special occasion and express respect, elegance and affection. This floral arrangement is perfect for your special someone, a friend, or family member as it will surely impress them.