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Personal Touch Basket bouquet

100 % of 100
Surprise your friend or loved one with our personalized pink and white flower basket, featuring a mix of their favorite flowers. Handcrafted in a natural basket, this bouquet is perfect for gifting as a thoughtful and unique surprise.
Timeless Beauty
Fresh personalized flowers, preserved for a life time
Product Note
select 2 standard message , upload 1 image
Flower Colour
Monochrome pink with white
Flower Type
Personalized Roses , Roses , carnation , chrasanthmum , babys breath
Type of Base
Handcrafted natural basket
Flower Count
23 to 28 stems
Same day delivery : Surat,Mumbai.
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Availability: In stock
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Surprise your friend or loved one with our personalized pink and white flower basket, featuring a mix of their favorite flowers. Handcrafted in a natural basket, this bouquet is perfect for gifting as a thoughtful and unique surprise.
  • The image displayed is Indicative in nature.
  • Actual product may vary slightly from the image shown.
  • All our products are perishable hence delivery will be attempted only once.
  • Delivery cannot be redirected to any other address.
  • Clarity of image on rose will depend on clarity of your actual image.
  • Occasionally substitution of flowers is necessary according to season and region.
1. Is this fresh / original roses?
Yes, we create images, logos & messages on fresh live roses without any chemical process.
2. Roses remain fresh during transit?
We use flower nutrient which keep flowers fresh & increase vase life.
3. What if my roses get damage in transit?
We use special packaging & express courier services to deliver roses in maximum 48 hrs time.
4. Can I choose rose colour?
Our flower designer will choose rose colour according to occasion & season.
5. What if I touch or spray water on roses?
Don’t worry your picture / message remains as it is on the roses.
6. How to unbox & preserve personalize roses?
Follow our flower care guideline.
7. Can you customize special combo roses according to my requirement?
You can reach out to our customer care through mail, wecare@floralhub.in or what’s app on: 81550 64300 they will revert you as early as possible.
8. How to order bulk quantity for weddings and events?
We are more than happy to supply our customize roses with special quantity rates anywhere in INDIA. Reach out to our event team. Mail: events@floralhub.in
Unboxing Guide