Express your deepest emotions with our stunning bouquet featuring a perfect blend of fresh red and white roses, elegantly wrapped in a sleek black paper and tied with a delicate red ribbon. Whether it’s a special occasion or a gesture of love, this bouquet adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to every moment. Ideal for anniversaries, weddings, or just because. Make your loved ones feel cherished with the timeless beauty of these vibrant roses.
Flower Colour
red & white
Flower Type
Flower Count
12 stems
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Express your deepest emotions with our stunning bouquet featuring a perfect blend of fresh red and white roses, elegantly wrapped in a sleek black paper and tied with a delicate red ribbon. Whether it’s a special occasion or a gesture of love, this bouquet adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to every moment. Ideal for anniversaries, weddings, or just because. Make your loved ones feel cherished with the timeless beauty of these vibrant roses.